Data Protector Log Files
Chapter 12 551
Log Files and Their Contents
The table below describes the information found in Data Protector log
Table 12-1 Data Protector Log Files
Log File Description
debug.log Unexpected conditions are logged to
this file. While some can be
meaningful to you, it will be used
mainly by the support organization.
Ob2EventLog.txt Data Protector events that occurred
during Data Protector operation and
all Data Protector notifications are
logged into this file. The Event Log
represents a centralized Data
Protector event depository.
inet.log Requests made to the Data
Protector Inet service are logged
to this file. It can be useful to check
the recent activity of Data Protector
on clients.
IS_install.log This file contains a trace of the
remote installation and is located on
the Installation Server.
media.log Each time a medium is used for
backup, initialized, or imported, a
new entry is made to this log. The
media.log can be used in IDB
recovery to find the tape with the
database backup and to find out
which media were used after the last
backup of the database.
omnisv.log Contains information on when Data
Protector services were stopped and