cluster (MC/SG)
, 638
cluster (MSCS), 619
DHCP Server, 178
direct backup environment, 204
disk image, UNIX, 166
disk image, Windows, 190
disks, using NFS, 164
DNS Server, 178
event logs, 183
event logs, Windows, 182
IDB, 398
MC/ServiceGuard local disks, 639
MC/ServiceGuard shared disks, 639
Microsoft Cluster Server local disks, 620
Microsoft Cluster Server shared disks, 620
NetWare Directory Services, NDS, 199
Novell NetWare Cluster local disks, 642
Novell NetWare Cluster shared disks, 643
Novell NetWare filesystems, 194
OpenVMS filesystems, 201
rawdisk, UNIX, 166
rawdisk, Windows, 190
shared Windows disks, 185
System State, 176
UNIX filesystems, 161
user disk quotas, 183
Veritas Cluster local disks, 640
Veritas Cluster shared disks, 641
VxFS, A-3
Windows 2000/XP services, 179
Windows clients, disk discovery, 183
Windows filesystems, 168
Windows Registry, 177
Windows user profiles, 182
WINS Server, 178
aborting session during the size
, 312
cluster, 619, 638
configuring, 153
creating consistent, 444
failed, managing, 263
full, 155
full or incremental, 213
group specifications, 222
incremental, 155
list options, 236
managing cluster-aware, 620
modifying schedule, 210
ownership, 84
predefined, 209
protection expiration, 586
recurring, 210
restarting failed, 266, 311
right to start, 83
scheduling tips, 212
session concepts, 4
skipping, 211
templates, 216
temporary disabling, cluster environment,
troubleshooting, 580
unattended, 207
VSS filesystem, 170
with stacker devices, 36
backup commands
pre- and post-exec, UNIX, 257
pre- and post-exec, Windows, 251
backup devices
adding library
, 30
adding standalone, 23
autoloaders, 29
block size, 76, 79
concurrency, 76
concurrency and streaming, 76
configuring, 17
configuring chains, 24
configuring files, 27
configuring magazines, 34
configuring manually, 52
configuring stacker, 35
configuring standalone, 23
disabling, 70
disabling, figure, 71
file device, 26
libraries with multiple systems, 32
library, 29
locking, 46, 74
locking for drives, table, 53
locking mechanism, 46
preparing configuration, 20
relation to backup specifications and media
pools, scheme
, 22
removing, 72
renaming, 73
restarting, 70