Manager-of-Managers Environment
Centralized Licensing
Chapter 8 375
Moving Licenses in the MoM Environment
If you have not configured centralized licensing, you cannot move
licenses between cells without the approval of the HP Password Delivery
Center. This is, however, possible in the MoM environment with
configured centralized licensing, where the MoM administrator allocates
licenses as needed.
In the example below, assume that the clients from one cell were moved
to another. This resulted in the need to move the licenses.
Before the
Assume that two Cell Managers, Aztec and Mayan, are configured in the
enterprise environment with centralized licensing. Aztec is an HP-UX
Cell Manager with a Cell Manager for UNIX - Single Drive license. There
is also an NDMP server connected in the cell that requires an NDMP
Server Backup Extension license. Mayan is also an HP-UX Cell Manager
with one Cell Manager for UNIX - Single Drive license.
Reorganization of
the Enterprise
The Aztec cell needs to be reorganized, with most of the clients and the
NDMP server being transferred to the Mayan cell. Mayan now needs the
NDMP Server Backup Extension license. Follow the procedure described
below to move the license:
1. In the Data Protector Manager-of-Managers, click Clients in the
Context List.
2. Right-click the Aztec Cell Manager and then click Configure
Licensing. The types and numbers of licenses available to the Aztec
Cell Manager are displayed. Remove the NDMP Server Backup
Extension license.
3. Click Finish to apply the configuration.
4. Right-click the Mayan Cell Manager and then click Configure
Licensing. Add the NDMP Server Backup Extension license.
5. Click Finish to apply the configuration.
Environment After
the Reorganization
The Aztec Cell Manager now has one Cell Manager for UNIX - Single
Drive license and the Mayan Cell Manager has a Cell Manager for UNIX
- Single Drive license and an NDMP Server Backup Extension license for
the NDMP server.
For more information on Data Protector licensing policies, see the HP
OpenView Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing Guide.