Monitoring, Reporting, Notifications, and the Event Log
Monitoring Sessions
Chapter 7 311
2. Insert the needed medium into the device. If you have a library
device, it is not necessary to use the slot requested by the mount
3. In the Results Area, double-click the session with the mount request
status to display details about the session.
4. Select the device with the mount request status.
5. In the Actions menu, click Confirm Mount Request. The status of
the session and device changes to Running.
TIP You can also right-click the device with the mount request status and
select Confirm Mount Request.
Restarting Failed Backups
During backup, some systems may not be available because they were
shut down, there were some networking problems, and so on. This
results in some systems not being backed up or being backed up just
partially - some objects failed.
This section gives you detailed instructions on how to restart failed
backup sessions. For more information on how to manage failed backups,
see “Managing Failed Backups” on page 263.
You cannot restart failed sessions that are the result of an unsaved
backup specification.
After you have resolved the related problems, restart a failed session, as
1. In the Data Protector Manager, switch to the Internal Database
If you are running the Manager-of-Managers, select Clients in the
Context List, and then expand Enterprise Clients. Select a Cell
Manager with the failed backup. From the Tools menu, select
Database Administration to open a new Data Protector window
with the Internal Database context displayed.
2. Under the Internal Database item, expand the Sessions item.
3. In the Results Area, search for your backup.