In This Chapter
Chapter 14656
In This Chapter
This chapter assumes that you have already physically configured the
ADIC/GRAU or STK library. If you have not done so, refer to the
documentation that comes with the ADIC/GRAU or STK library for
instructions on configuring the library. For a list of supported DAS
software versions, refer to HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Software
Release Notes.
This chapter has been divided into three sections: an overview of general
concepts, the ADIC/GRAU DAS library, and the STK ACS library. The
first section covers concepts common to both libraries, including
diagrams of both library configurations with Data Protector, and media
management basics. The next section provides detailed instruction on
installing and configuring the ADIC/GRAU library, and the last section
provides detailed instruction on installing and configuring the STK ACS
library. The ADIC/GRAU and STK library sections are structured in the
following order:
“ADIC/GRAU DAS and STK ACS Integrations” on page 657.
“The ADIC/GRAU DAS Library Device” on page 662.
“The STK ACS Library Device” on page 680.
“Troubleshooting Library Installation and Configuration” on
page 697.
NOTE The ADIC/GRAU and STK functionality is subject to specific Data
Protector licenses. See the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector
Installation and Licensing Guide for details.