
Introducing Data Protector
The Data Protector Cell Environment
Chapter 14
NOTE For further information on these terms, or on the principles of Data
Protector operation, see the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector
Concepts Guide.
How a Backup Session Works
A backup session starts either when a backup is requested through the
user interface, or when a scheduled backup is initiated. During this
session, Data Protector backs up the requested filesystems and disks to
the specified media.
1. The Cell Manager determines the type of session that has been
requested (backup) and starts the appropriate Session Manager.
2. The Session Manager reads the backup specification and determines
what needs to be backed up and which devices to use.
3. The Session Manager then starts a Media Agent for each media drive
that will be used and a Disk Agent for each disk that will be read.
4. The Monitor window appears. This window lets you respond to mount
requests and view the progress of a backup session.
5. The Disk Agents start sending data to the Media Agent.
6. If more than one Disk Agent is used, the Disk Agents send data to the
Media Agent concurrently and the Media Agent places the data on
the medium.
7. As each block of data is written to the medium, the Media Agent
sends information to the Session Manager about what has been
backed up. The Session Manager uses this information to update the
catalog of backed-up files in the IDB.
How a Restore Session Works
A restore session starts when a restore is requested. During this session,
Data Protector performs a restore of requested files and disks from the
1. You specify which filesystems to restore and how to restore them,
using the Data Protector user interface.