Restoring Your Data
Chapter 6 271
Figure 6-1 Selecting Data for Restore
Selecting a Backup Version
When selecting data that you want to restore, the last backup version is
selected by default. This means that only directories and/or files from the
last backup session are selected for restore. Directories and files in the
same tree structure that have not been backed up in the same backup
session are shaded.
If you want to restore the data from any other backup session, browse for
the file or directory that you want to restore, right-click it, and click
Restore Version.
In the Version tab, click “...” to get additional information about the
backup versions. The “...” button is available only if the backup was
performed using a logging level that logs attributes.
Handling File Conflicts
In the Description property page of your restore, you can specify how to
handle conflicts between the version currently on the disk and the
backup version of a file. File Conflict Handling offers you three