Restoring Windows Systems
Chapter 6 283
Once the restore session is completed, restart the system.
NOTE If you select the whole Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 Registry for a
restore, some of the Registry keys are not restored, and others are
treated in a special way during a restore. This is because certain keys are
being used by the operating system. You can find them under the
following Registry key:
Restoring Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 Services
To restore Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 services, expand
CONFIGURATION and select the service you want to restore.
Prerequisites The following information that belongs to Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003
services can be selected under CONFIGURATION:
• COMPlusDatabase
• FileReplicationService
• RemovableStorageManagementDatabase
• ActiveDirectoryService
• TerminalServiceDatabase
• CertificateServer
• DHCP, WINS, and DNSServerDatabase
For a detailed explanation of these terms, refer to “Glossary”.
The list below describes specifics related to restoring a particular
Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 service.
Active Directory
If you want to restore the Active Directory service, restart the system
using the Directory Services Restore Mode start-up option.
When the system is started in the Directory Services Restore Mode,
the domain user accounts cannot be used. Configure the Data
Protector Inet and the crs service (for a Cell Manager) to log on using