Disaster Recovery
Assisted Manual Disaster Recovery of a Windows System
Chapter 10 457
Other Windows
If you are recovering a Windows system other than Windows NT,
install Windows into its original location, i.e. the same drive letter
and directory as in the original system before the disaster. This
information is stored in the SRD file.
NOTE During the installation, do not add the system to the previous location
where the Windows domain resided, but add the system to a workgroup
3. Install TCP/IP protocol. If DHCP was not used before the disaster,
configure the TCP/IP protocol as prior to the disaster by providing the
following information: hostname of the crashed client, its IP address,
default gateway, subnet mask and DNS server. Make sure that the
field labeled Primary DNS suffix of this computer contains
your domain name
WARNING By default, Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 install the Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) during the Windows
2000/XP/Server 2003 setup.
4. Create a temporary disaster recovery account in the Administrators
group. See “Adding or Deleting a User” on page 90. Note that the
account must not had existed on the system before the disaster and
that it will be removed at a later time during this procedure.
5. Log off and log in to the system using the newly created account.
6. If you are recovering a Windows NT system, install SP4 or later. No
service packs are required for a successful disaster recovery of other
Windows systems.
7. Execute the drstart.exe command from the
<Data_Protector_home>\Depot\drsetup\Disk1 (Windows Cell
Manager) or \i386\tools\drsetup\Disk1 (Data Protector
installation medium) directories.
If you have prepared the drsetup diskettes (see “Preparation” on
page 451), you can also execute the drstart.exe command from the
first diskette.
8. Drstart.exe first scans the current working directory, floppy and