Configuring and Using Backup Devices
Drive Cleaning
Chapter 2 63
1. Enable dirty drive detection. This needs to be done for all device types
(standalone and libraries). This enables Data Protector to recognize
the event issued by the drive.
2. Configure a slot for the cleaning tape in the library or magazine
Enabling Dirty
Drive Detection
To enable dirty drive detection, select the Detect dirty drive
advanced option in the Settings property page for the drive. For
detailed steps, refer to the online Help index keyword “configuring drive
Configuring a Slot
for Cleaning Tape
To configure a slot for a cleaning tape in a SCSI-II library, click the
Cleaning Slot option and select an existing slot in the drop-down list in
the Repository property page for the device. For detailed steps, refer to
the online Help index keyword “configuring drive cleaning”.
Testing the Drive Cleaning Configuration
To test if drive cleaning has been successfully configured, do the
Preparation 1. Log on to the system where the Media Agent for the drive is installed.
2. Change to the Data Protector tmp directory:
• on HP-UX and Solaris systems: /var/opt/omni/tmp/
• on other UNIX systems: /usr/omni/tmp/
• on Windows systems: <Data_Protector_home>\tmp\
• on Novell NetWare systems: \usr\omni\tmp\
3. Create an ASCII file named simtab on Windows systems or .simtab
on UNIX systems. Consider the following when creating this file:
• The field separators should be a single ASCII character (tab or
• The logical device name cannot be quoted and cannot contain
spaces (e.g. “test drive”)
The content of the simtab/.simtab file should be the following:
CLEANME <file_name> <drive_name>