
an internal cache memory, and control
and diagnostic software commonly
referred to as the microcode.
The Data Protector Internal Database is
an embedded database located on the
Cell Manager that keeps information
regarding which data is backed up, on
which media it is backed up, how
backup and restore sessions are run, and
which devices and libraries are
importing media
A process that re-reads all data about
backup sessions which are on the
medium back into the IDB. This then
allows for fast and convenient access to
the data on the media.
See also exporting media.
incremental backup
A backup that selects only files that have
changed since a previous backup.
Several levels of incremental backup are
available, allowing selective backup of
only files that have changed since the
last incremental backup.
See also backup types.
incremental backup (MS Exchange
specific term)
A backup of changes since the last full
or incremental backup. Only transaction
logs are backed up.
See also backup types.
incremental mailbox backup
An incremental mailbox backup backs
up all the changes made to the mailbox
after the last backup of any type.
incremental1 mailbox backup
An incremental1 mailbox backup backs
up all the changes made to the mailbox
after the last full backup.
incremental (re)-establish (EMC
Symmetrix specific term)
A BCV or SRDF control operation. In
BCV control operations, an incremental
establish causes the BCV device to be
synchronized incrementally and to
function as an EMC Symmetrix
mirrored medium. The EMC Symmetrix
devices must have been previously
In SRDF control operations, an
incremental establish causes the target
(R2) device to be synchronized
incrementally and to function as an
EMC Symmetrix mirrored medium. The
EMC Symmetrix devices must have
been previously paired.
incremental restore (EMC Symmetrix
specific term)
A BCV or SRDF control operation.
In BCV control operations, an
incremental restore reassigns a BCV
device as the next available mirror of the
standard device in the pair. However, the
standard devices are updated with only
the data that was written to the BCV