
Symmetrix Application Programming
Interface (SYMAPI) (EMC Symmetrix
specific term)
A linkable library of functions that can
interface with EMC Symmetrix units
attached to the Data Protector clients.
Provided by EMC.
Symmetrix CLI Database File
(EMC Symmetrix specific term)
The EMC Symmetrix database file that
stores EMC Symmetrix configuration
data on each system with a configured
EMC Symmetrix ICDA and installed
Symmetrix Command-Line Interface
(SYMCLI) (EMC Symmetrix specific
An application written using the
Symmetrix Application Programming
Interface (SYMAPI) that retrieves data
from an EMC Symmetrix unit using
special low-level SCSI commands. The
SYMCLI allows you to run commands
on the client to obtain configuration,
status, and performance data from the
EMC Symmetrix units attached to
clients that are running in an open
systems environment.
System Backup to Tape (Oracle
specific term)
An Oracle interface that handles the
actions required to load, label, and
unload correct backup devices when
Oracle issues a backup or restore
system databases (Sybase specific
The four system databases on a newly
installed Sybase SQL Server are the:
master database (master)
temporary database (tempdb)
system procedure database
model database (model).
system disk
A system disk is a disk containing
operating system files. Microsoft
terminology defines the system disk as a
disk containing the files required for
initial step of boot process.
system partition
A system partition is a partition
containing operating system files.
Microsoft terminology defines a system
partition as a partition containing the
files required for initial step of boot
System State (Windows specific term)
The System State data comprises the
Registry, COM+ Class Registration
database, system startup files, and the
Certificate Services database (if the
server is a certificate server). If the