
Pre- and Post-Exec Commands
Chapter 5 257
Time-out is provided. If no message is received within the specified
time-out in seconds, the session is aborted.
You can disable a pre- and post-exec script by adding the line
OB2OEXECOFF=1 in the omnirc file on any client.
You can secure the client by specifying which Cell Managers are
allowed to access the client. Only permitted Cell Managers will be
able to execute pre- and post-exec commands on the client. For
more information on securing a client, refer to the HP OpenView
Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing Guide.
Pre- and Post- Exec Commands on UNIX Systems
This section describes how to implement pre- and post-exec commands
on UNIX Cell Managers and clients.
How to Write the
Pre- and post-exec commands can be written as shell scripts.
See Appendix, “Examples of Pre-Exec and Post-Exec Commands for
UNIX,” on page A-20.
Pre- and Post-Exec Commands for a Backup Specification
Pre- and post-exec commands for a backup session are started before
and after the backup session, respectively. These commands are usually
executed on the Cell Manager, but you can choose another system as
Where to Locate
the Commands
Pre- and post-exec commands for backup specifications on UNIX
systems are started by the backup session owner, unless the backup
session owner has the Back up as root permission and the commands
are then started under root.
On a UNIX Cell Manager, the exec commands for backup specifications
can reside in any directory, but the full pathname must be specified when
defining the backup specification.
On a remote UNIX client the exec commands for backup specifications
must be located as follows:
Solaris 7/8, HP-UX: /opt/omni/lbin
Solaris 2.6, other UNIX systems: /usr/omni/bin
In this case, the command filename can be specified without the path.