
media pool
A set of media of the same type (such as
DDS) used and tracked as a group.
Media are formatted and assigned to a
media pool.
media set
The result of a backup session is data
backed up on a group of media called
media set. Depending on the media
usage policy, several sessions can share
the same media.
media type
The physical type of media, such as
media usage policy
The media usage policy controls how
new backups are added to the already
used media. It can be Appendable, Non-
Appendable, or Appendable for
incrementals only.
This defines one mode to resolve file
conflicts during restore. If the file to be
restored already exists at the destination,
the one with the more recent
modification date is kept. Files not
present on the disk are always restored.
See also overwrite.
The Migrating File System enables a
standard JFS filesystem with migration
capabilities (on HP-UX 11.00). The
MFS is accessed via a standard
filesystem interface (DMAPI), it is
mounted to a directory the same way as
any HP-UX filesystem. In an MFS, only
the superblock, the inode and the
'extended attribute' information remain
permanently on the hard disk and are
never migrated.
See also VBFS.
Microsoft Exchange Server
A “client-server” messaging and a
workgroup system that offers a
transparent connection to many different
communication systems. It provides
users with an electronic mail system,
individual and group scheduling, online
forms, and workflow automation tools.
It provides a developer with a platform
on which to build custom information-
sharing and messaging-service
Microsoft Management Console
(MMC) (Windows specific term)
An administration model for Windows-
based environments. It provides a
simple, consistent, and integrated
administration user interface allowing
management of many applications
through the same GUI, provided that the
applications adhere to the MMC model.
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000
A database management system
designed to meet the requirements of
distributed "client-server" computing.