When an element is turned ON, the element will heat up and the red glow of the
heatingelementcanbe seenthroughtheglass-ceramictop. It is normalto seethe red
glow of the element whenever it cycles on.The elementswill cycle on and off for all
control settings exceptHI. However,it may also cycle on Hi if impropercookwareis
• For best results, always use recommendedcookware.
• Differentcookpotsand differentamountsoffood beingpreparedwill influencethe
controlsettingsneededfor bestresults. Forfastestcooking,startwiththe surface
control on Hi for one minute; then turn the control to the lower desired setting.
Coveringpans, wheneverpossible,speeds cooking and is more energyefficient.
• Theglass-ceramiccookingarea retainsheatfor a periodoftimeafter theelements
havebeenturnedoff. Putthis retainedheatto good use. Turntheelementsoff a
fewminutesbeforefoodiscompletelycookedand usetheretainedheattocomplete
the cooking. Becauseof this heat retentioncharacteristic,the elements will not
respondto changesin heatsettingsas quicklyascoil elements. Inthe eventof a
potentialboilover, remove the cookpotfrom the cookingarea.
• Whenpreparingfoodswhich canbe easily scorchedor overcooked,startcooking
at a lowertemperaturesettingand graduallyincreasetemperatureas needed.
• A higher setting thannormal may be necessarywhen usingcookpots made with
materialthat is slow to conductheat, such as cast iron.
• A lowersettingcan be usedwhencookingsmallquantitiesof foodsor whenusing
a cookpotthat conducts heat quickly.
• Donot usewiretrivets,fire rings,padsor anysuch itembetweenthe cookware
and the element.
• Do notcook foods directlyon cooktop.
• Do notallow pan to boil dry asthis coulddamage the cooktopand the pan.
• Do not slide heavy metal or glass ceokpots across surface since these may
scratchthe surface.
• Do not useor placeplastic itemsanywhereon cooktop.