Important:This intervalTimercanbe usedtoremindyouwhenaperiod,upto11hours
and55 minutes,expires. Itcanbe usedindependentlyof anyotherovenactivityand
To set Timer
1. Toucha Timer Pad.
The IndicatorWordTIMERand either1or 2 flashesand "0Hr:00"appearsinthe
2. Touchtheappropriatenumberpadsuntilthedesirednumberof minutesorhours
andminutesappear inthe Display.
Note: If morethan five secondselapse between touchinga Timer Pad and a
numberpad, theTimer Pad mustbe touchedagain.
Example: To set TimerOne for5 minutes,touchthe Timer One Pad and the
numberpad"5". Afterfiveseconds,the Displaywill show:
:05 I
Example: TosetTimerTwofor 1hourand30 minutes,touchtheTimer Two Pad
andthe numberpads"1, 3, 0". After fiveseconds,the Displaywillshow:
I. 30
Countdownwillstartafter fiveseconds. Countdownwillhavedisplay precedence
overothertime functions. If bothTimers are set, the timer withthe least amount
oftime remainingwill have display precedence.
At the endof timeset,theTimerw)l)chime fourtimes and "End"willappearinthe
Display. If Timeris notcancelled (seebelow),"End"will remaininthe Displayand
there will be two chimes every thirtysecondsfor five minutes.
To cancel Timer
1. Touchand holdtheTimer Pad for four seconds.
2. A. Touchthe Timer Pad.
B. Touch"0"numberpad. FivesecondslatertheTimerwillbe canceJled.
NOTE: TouchingCancelOff PadtocancelchimeswillcancelALL selectedoven