
Beforereplacingbulb,disconnectpowertoovenatthemainfuseor circuitbreakerpanel
andat theelectricreceptacle. Besurethat theentireovencavity includingthe lightbulb
is cool beforeattempting to remove.
To replace light bulb
1. Carefullyunscrewthe glass light lens.
2. To obtain firm grasp on the bulb,wear protective
rubbergloves. Removebyturningbulb tothe left. J"
Donottoucha hotovenlightbulbwitha dampcloth
asbulb willbreak. Note: Ifthebulbdoesbreakand
you wishto removeit, be certain powersupply is
disconnected and wear protective gloves. You
may contact your authorized Jenn-Air Service
Contractorfor service.
3. Replacebulbwith a 40 wattoven-ratedappliance
bulb. A bulbwith abrass baseisrecommendedto
preventfusing of bulb into socket.
4. Replacebulb coverand reconnectpowertooven.
The storage drawerat the bottomof the range is safe
and convenientfor storing metaland glass coekware.
DO NOT store plastic, paperware,food or flammable
materialinthis drawer. Removedrawertocleanunder
To remove: Emptydrawerand then pull drawerall the way out to the stop position.
Grasp sides and lift up andout to removedrawer.
To replace: Fitends of drawerglidesontorails. Lift up drawerfront and gently slide
drawerto the closedposition.
Some floors are not level. For proper baking, your _ I i J
range must be level. LevelingJegsare locatedon
eachcornerofthebaseofthe range. Levelbyturning
the legs.
Toprevent rangefrom accidentlytipping,range mustbe securedto thefloor bysliding
rear levelingleg intothe anti-tip bracketsuppliedwith the range.