• Tender cuts of meat and poultry can be roasted to a rich golden brown in the
convectionoven. Followgeneral recommendationsfor roastingand use Convect
• Refer to convection meat roasting chart for recommendedcooking temperature
and time. The chart can serve as a guideto help plan mealserving time.
• Minutes per pound will vary according to the size, shape, quality and initial
temperatureofmeataswellastheelectricalvoltag_in yourarea, Timesarebased
on refrigeratorcold meat.
• A large cut of meat will usua}lyrequire fewer minutesper pound to roast than a
smaller cut of meat.
• Donot use a roasting pan with high sides; usepan providedwith oven.
• Donot cover meat. Allow the circulatinghotair tosurroundthe meat and seal in
the juices.
• Sincethe breast meat on a largeturkey cooks more quicklythan the thigh area,
placea"foilcap"overthebreastareaafterdesiredbrownnessisreachedto prevent
everbrowning.(See above.)
• A stuffedturkeywinrequirean extra 30to 60 minutes,dependingon size. Stuffing
shouldreachan internaltemperatureof 165°F.
ConvectRoasting: Frozen to Finish
Meats(exceptpoultry)maybe roastedfrozento finish. Followthese guidelinesfor the
most sat(sfactoryresults.
• Usetemperaturesfor roastingfresh meatsas recommendedbymost cookbooks.
Generally, most meats are roasted at 325°F. For best results do not use
temperatures below300°F.
• Usetimesforroastingfreshmeatsgiveninyourfavoritecookbooksasapproximate
guidesfor roastingfrozen meats. Roastingtimes wilt vary due to factors such as
coldnessofmeat,size,quality,or cut. Ingeneral,roastingtimesforfrozentofinish
in the convection oven will be approximatelythe same as fresh to finish in a
conventionalbake oven.
• Theguidelinesgivenfor roastingfresh meatsin theconvectionovenalso applyto
roasting frozen meats.
• insert meat thermometermidwayduring the cooking process.