t steps5 you want ig to start immediately.
To set oven to start immediately and shut off automatically
1. TouchBakePador ConvectBake PadorConvect RoastPad.
will be shown.
2. Touch the appropriate numberpads fordesired oven temperature.
After five seconds the oven will begin to preheat. The Indicator Words ON,
PREHEAT,and BAKEor CONVBAKE or CONVROASTwillappearintheDisplay.
The temperatureshown will be f00° or the temperatureof the oven, whicheveris
higher. Example: Ifat 10o'clockyouset the ovenfor350ofor convectionbaking,
the Displaywill show:
Duringthepreheat,the Displaywillshow a rise in 5oincrementsuntil programmed
temperatureis reached. Whenthe ovenispreheated,theovenwill chime,the ON
and PREHEAT IndicatorWordswill gooff,and programmedoventemperaturewill
bedisplayed.Important:WheneverONappearsin theDisplay,theovenisheating.
3. Touch Cook Time Pad.
IndicatorWords COOKTIME will flash and Displaywill show "0 HR:00".
4. Touch the appropriate number pads to enter cooking hours in five minute
increments.Hoursare toleftofcolonandminutestorightofcolon.(Allowablerange
is 5 minutesto 11 hoursand 55 minutes.)Example: If cookingtime selectedfor
the ovenis 2 hoursand 30 minutes,the Displaywill show:
After five seconds, the time of day returnsto the Display,
Important: Oven will preheat for approximately 7 to 11 minutes. At end of
programmedCook Time, oven will shut off automaticallyand retained heat will
continueto cookthefood. Clockcontrolledcookingisnotrecommendedfor baked
itemsthat require a preheatedoven, such as cakes, cookies, pies,breads. For
thesefoods,placefoodin preheatedoven,then useTimerto signalend of baking
At the end of programmedCookTime, the oven wilt shut off automaticallyand a
chimewillbe heardfourtimesand "End"willappear inthe Display. If ovenis not
cancelled,"End"willremaininthe Displayandtherewillbe onechimeeveryminute
for ten minutes.