To remove,pull forward to the "stop" position;lift
up on the front of the rack and pull out.
Theoventemperaturecan be adjusted ifall oventemperaturesare too lowor too high
and the lengthof time to cook ALL foods is too long or tooshort. Do NOT adjust the
temperatureif onlyone or two itemsare not bakingproperly.
To adjust
1. TouchtheBake Pad.
2. Enter500° bytouchingthe numberpads:"5,0,0."
3. Touchand holdthe Bake Pad for eightsecondsuntil"00°"appearsinthe Display.
4. Touch the appropriatenumberpads to enter the offset temperature. (Allowable
rangeis -35oto +35°.) Note: Touching the Broil Pad will changethe - sign to a
positivenumberor back to a negative number.
Note: Do not changethe temperaturesettingmorethan 10°before checkingthe
5. Touch the CancelOff Padto returnto the previousDisplay.
Important: Theovenshouldbe adjustedonly10°andtheovenshould betested. (We
recommendbakingtwo 9"yellow layercakes usinga purchasedbox mix.) Ifthe oven
temperatureis still too lowor too high, repeatthe proceduredescribedabove.