Number Pads
Use to settime or temperature.
Oven Light Pad (Control Panel)
Theovenlightautomaticallycomesonwheneverthe ovendoor isopened. Whendoor)sclosed,
touchthe Oven LightPad toturn oven light onor off. Note: Abeep will soundevery timethe
Oven Light Pad istouched.
Display Window
Showstime ofday, timer, and oven functions.
Display Numbers:
@ Show time of day.
• Countdown oftime rema(ningwhen usingtime functions.
• Show temperature of oven as it rises to reach programmed temperature and the set
temperature onceit is reached.
• Recallprogrammedtemperatursortimewhencommanded.
• Rounding of DisplayNumbers: Temperature range (s100"to 550°Fand can be set in5°
increments. When setting temperature, the control will round itto the nearest 10°. For
example, if 237° isentered, thecontrol will round thetemperature to 240°.
• Serve as areminder to shut ovendoor, if it is open, for self-cleaning operation when the
word, door, is displayed.
• "Err"will appear inthe Oisplaywhen an impropertemperature or timehas been entered.
"Err" will flashand a beep will be heard three times. Then, the Display willreturn to the
previous Displaybefore the errorwas entered.
Indicator Words:
• Flashto prompt nextstep.
I Indicatestatusofprogrammedfunction.
• Show programmedfunction when recalled.
Chimes vs. Beeps
• Achime sound is usedto designate the end ofa timing orcooking operation.
• Abeepsound willbe heard whenany padistouched. Aseriesof shortbeeps areusedto
designatean incorrect entry, door is open when setfor a self-clean and afault code.
End of Cycle Chimes:
• Theendofcyclechimesisfourshortchimesfollowedby"reminder"chimesforaspecified
length of time, until you cancel that function. For the Timer function, there are two
"reminder" chimesevery30seconds forfive minutes. Forthe TimedCookfunctions, there
isone"reminder"chimeeveryminute fortenminutes. Tocancelthese "reminder" chimes,
touch the appropriatepadagain (eitherthe Timer Pador Cook Time Pad). You mayalso
touchthe Cancel OffPad tocancel the "reminder" chimes, but itwill also cancel allother
• Ifyou wou_dlike to eliminatethe "reminder" chimesentirely, touch and holdthe Cancel
Off Pad for twelve seconds(this will not eliminate the initialfour short chimes).
• To returnthe "reminder"chimes, touch andhold theCancel Off Pad fortwelve seconds.
NOTE: Tochangetheoventoa24 hourclockorCelsius(C)degrees,contactyourauthorizedjenn_Airservicecontractor or dealer.