Cleaning and Removing Control Knobs
The knobs on the control panel can be removed with the controls in the OFF position. Pull
each knob straight from the shaft. Wash knobs in warm soapy water or dishwasher; do not
use abrasive cleansers or materials. To replace eachknob, match flat part of knob opening
with the spring on the shaft, returning in the OFF position.
Control Panel Area and Display Window
Wipe with paper towels dampened with soapy water or glass cleaner. Do not spray any
cleaning solutions directly onto the Display window or use large amounts ofsoap and water.
Do not scrub with S.O.Spads orabrasive cleansers.
Glass on Oven Door Front
Use any suitable glass cleaner or soapy water.
Oven Door Trim
Slightly dampen a cloth or paper towel with soapy water or nonabrasive cleanser such as
Fantastik or 409. Do not use excessive amounts of water or allow water torun down through
the ventsunder thedoor handle since this will cause streaks which will bevisible through the
glass door. White parts may be cleaned with chlorine bleach. Do not use any abrasive
cleansers, oven cleaners, or scrubwith any abrasive materials, suchas S.O.S. pads.Scotch-
Brite pads, etc.
Glass-Ceramic Cooktop
CAUTION: DoNOT use acooktop cleaner ona hotcooktop. The fumes can be hazardous
to your health, and can chemically attack the glass-ceramic surface.
• Forgeneraldailycleaningandlightsurfacesoil, useacleandishclothorpapertoweland
wash surface with solution ofwater and any ofthese cleansers: dishwashing liquid such
as Ivory or Joy, baking soda, fine polishing powders such as Ben Ami, or commercial
ceramic cooktop cleansers such as Cooktop Cleaning Creme (Part No. 20000001).
Wipe with clean damp cloth or paper towel. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
• To remove residue from burned on spills, make a paste of water and baking soda or
cleansers such asBen Ami, BarKeepers Friend,Comet, ShinySinks or nonabrasivesoft
scrubbing cleansers, such as Cooktop Cleaning Creme (Part No. 20000001). Scrub
with paper towels, nylon or plastic scrubber, such as Tully. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
rfstain isnot removedeasily, allowpaste toremainon surface for30 to40 minutes. Keep
moist by covering with wet paper towel orplastic wrap.
• Toremove burned onspot, use asingle edge razor blade. Place blade edgeon cooktop
at 30°angle; scrape off spot. Clean remainder of soil with method described above.
NOTE: Plastic objects, sugar or food with high sugar content allowed to melt onto the
cooktop can cause damage. See page 12 for clean ng nstruct ons.