• Usethe ConvectRoast Padfor best results.
• Preheatingthe ovenis not necessary.
• Followpackage recommendationsforoven temperature,foil covering and use of
cookiesheets. Cooking timeswillbesimilar. Seechartbelowforsomeexceptions
and examples.
• Centerfoods intheoven. Ifmorethanone fooditemisbeingcookedor iffoods are
being cookedon multiple racks, staggerfoods for properair circulation.
• Mostfoods are cooked on rack position #30.
• For multiple rack cooking,use racks#1, 30 and 4. However, pizzasshould be
placedon cookie sheetsand baked on rack position #20, 3 and4.
Here are a few examples of times and temperatures
* An "o" aftera rack numberimplies that the offset rack should beused.
** Conventionalbake uses the Bake Pad.
*** Thetimes givenare basedon specificbrands of mixesor recipestested. Actual
timeswill dependon the onesyou cook.
Note: Convectroastingtimeswillbesimilartotheconventionaltimesbecausetheoven
is not preheated. Thetime savingscomesfrom nothavingto preheatthe oven.