To set oven on Bake or ConvectBake or Convect Roast
1. Placeoven rackson proper rack positions.(See p. 19.)
2. TouchBake Pador ConvectBakePad or Convect Roast Pad.
IndicatorWords BAKE or CONV BAKE or CONV ROAST will flash and three
dashes will be shown,
Note: If morethan five secondselapse between touching a pad and touchinga
numberpad, Displaywill returnto previousDisplay.
3. Touch the appropriatenumber padsfor desiredoventemperature.
Allowabletemperaturerangeis100°to 550°F.Afterfive secondstheovenwillbegin
topreheat. The IndicatorWordsON, PREHEAT,and eitherBAKEorCONV BAKE
or CONV ROASTwill appear in the Display. The temperatureshownwillbe 100°
or theoven temperaturewhicheveris higher.
Example: If at 10 o'clockyou set the oven for 350° for conveetbaking, after five
secondsthe Displaywill show:
Duringthepreheat,theDisplaywillshowa risein 5°incrementsuntilprogrammed
temperatureis reached. Whenthe ovenispreheated,theovenwillchime,the ON
and PREHEATIndicatorWordswillgo off,and programmedoventemperaturewill
be displayed.
Note: Ovenwill preheatfor approximately7 to 11 minutes.
Important: Whenever ON appearsinthe Display,the oven is heating.
To recall temperature set during preheat: Touch the appropriate Bake or
ConvectBake Pad orConvect RoastPad. Temperaturewillbebriefly displayed,
thenwill automaticallyreturn to on-going program.
To changetemperatureset: TouchappropriateBakePador Convect BakePad
or Convect Roast Pad and the appropriatenumberpads for the new desired
Note:If youareloweringthetemperaturebelowthe currentoventemperature,the
sound. Then,the Displaywill show programmedtemperatureand IndicatorWord
4. Touch Cancel Off Padto turn oven off at end of baking. The oven will continue
operatinguntilthe Cancel Off Padis touched.