Forbest results,bakefoodson onerackatatimeasdescribedinthis manual. However,
very good resultscan be obtainedwhen bakingquantitiesof foods on multiple racks.
Quantitycooking provides bothtime and energysavings.
Convect Bake is suggested for most multiple rack cooking, especially three rack
cooking,becausethe circulatingheatedair resultsin moreevenbrowning. Fortwo rack
cooking,theconventionalbakeovenprovidesverygood bakingresultsespeciallywhen
pans canbe staggered,such as with layercakes and fresh pies.
Manyfoods can be prepared on three racksat the same time. These are just a few
examples: cookies, cupcakes, rolls, biscuits, muffins, pies, pizzas, appetizers, and
snack foods.
To obtainthe best resultsin multiple rack cooking,follow these suggestions:
• Usetemperatureand times in this manualas a guide for best results.
• Fortwo rackbaking, rackpositions#20and 4 are bestformostbakedproductsbut
positions#2 and 4 alsoprovideacceptable results.
• Forthree rack bakingusepositions#1,30 and 4. Oneexceptionispizza.(See p.
• Sincefoodson positions#1and 4willusuallybedonebeforefoodsonposition#3o,
additionalcooking time willbe neededfor browningfoodson the middle rack. An
additional minute is needed for thin foods such as cookies. For foods such as
biscuits,rolls, ormuffins,allow 1to2 moreminutes. Frozenpiesandpizzas, which
shouldbe bakedon a cookie sheet, need about2 to 4 moreminutes.
• Staggersmall pans, such as layercake pans, in the oven.
• Frozenpiesin shinyaluminumpansshouldbe placedoncookie sheetsandbaked
on rack positions#1,30 and 4.
• Cookiesheetsshouldbe placedlengthwise,sidetoside, infrontofthe fanfor more
• Ovenmealsare recommendedforenergyconservation. Userack positions#1and
3o or #2o and 4 and Convect Roast.