To set ovento start at future time and shut off automatically
1-4. FollowprecedingSteps 1-4 on page22.
5. TouchStop Time Pad.
IndicatorWordsSTOPand TIME willflash. Displaywill show the calculated
stop time based on current time of day and cook time.
6. Touch the appropriatenumberpads to enter desiredstop time.
A stoptime canonlybe acceptedfor laterinthe day. Note: Sincefood continues
to cookif leftin the oven,it issuggestedthat theclock controlsbe usedprimarily
tostarttheovenwhennoone isin thekitchen. Provisionsshouldbemadetohave
the food removedas soon as thechime hassounded.
Example: Ifat 10o'clockyousetthe ovenfor350°convectionbakingand 2hours
and 30 minutescooking time, the calculatedstop time would be "12:30". The
If you want the stop time to be 1 o'clock, touch the numberpads "1,0,0". Five
secondslater,the Displaywill briefly show the starttime:
Lg:3 g o°
After five seconds,the Displaywill returnto current time ofday, thus showing:
I 0:00 3so°
willbegin toheat. 100° willbe shown. Asthe ovenheats,theDisplaywillshow
a risein incrementsof 50until programmedtemperature is reached.
At the endof programmedCookTime, theovenwill shut off automaticallyanda
chime willbe heardfourtimes and"End"will appearin theDisplay. If ovenis not
cancelled,"End" will remain in the Displayand there will be one chime every
minute for ten minutes.
• To recall time functionprogrammed:Touch the appropriatetime pad,
• To canceltimedfunctiononly: HoldCookTime Padforfourseconds, Thiswill
only cancel cook time and steptime, not programmedbake mode.
• If morethanfive secondselapsebetween touching a functionpad and touching
appropriatenumberpads,the oven is not set and Displaywill returnto previous