Thetopof the range(thetrimaroundtheglass-ceramiccooktop),is madeof painted
• To clean light soil, wipe with a soapy cloth or nonabrasive cleanser, such as
Fantastikor 409.
• To cleanmoderateto heavysoil, spraytheareawith a householdcleaner,suchas
Fantastikor409 andallowtosoak. Ifnecessary,spraytheareawithcleanser,cover
with plastic wrap and allow to soak for a few hours. Do notu_e anyabrasive
cleansers,oven cle,_ners,or $cru_bwith any abrasive materials,such as S.O.S.
pads. Scotch-Bdteoads. etc.
Theovenoperationcontrolscan be lockedin the "OFF" positionduringcleaningor to
prevent a childfrom accidentallyturning them on. The ovenfunctions which can be
lockedinthe "OFF" positionare:Bake,ConvectBake,ConvectRoast,BroilandClean.
Thecontrolfunctionswhichcanalwaysbeusedregardlessof lockoutare:Timer,Clock
and Oven Light.
To set
Touch and hold the Cook Time Pad and the Stop Time Padsimultaneouslyfor four
seconds. The IndicatorWord "OFF" willappear and remaininthe temperaturedigits
for fifteen seconds.
Note: If an oven functionis currentlybeing used, the controlscannotbe lockedoff.
Note: If someonetouchesan oven functionpad,the IndicatorWord "OFF" willagain
appear in the temperaturedigits for fifteen seconds.
To cancel
Touch and hold the Cook Time Pad and the Stop Time Pad simultaneouslyfor four
seconds. TheindicatorWord"OFF" willappearbrieflyinthetemperaturedigitsandthen
go off.