1. Placeoven rack on the rack position suggestedin the chart on page 33.
Distancefrom broiling elementdependson foods being prepared. Rackposition
40 (offset rack in position#4) is usuallyrecommendedunless otherwisestated.
2. Touch Broil Pad.
IndicatorWordBROILwill flashand Displaywill show threedashes.
Note: If more than five seconds elapses between touching Broil Pad and
touching a number pad, the oven is not set and Display will returnto previous
3. Touch the appropriatenumber pad(s).
The first numberpad touched will enter"HI" in the Display.
Theovenhasavariablebroilfeaturewhichmeansthata lowertemperaturecanbe
selected. After"HI" appearsintheDisplay,touchtheappropriatenumberpadsfor
thedesiredtemperature. Temperaturecanbe enteredin 5° increments. Use "HI"
broil formostbroil operations. Usevariable broilfor delicateand long-termitems.
Five secondsafter entering"HI" or a temperature,the broilelementwill comeon
and the IndicatorWords BROILand ONwill remainin the Display. If the variable
broil feature was selected, the IndicatorWordON will cyclewith the element.
Example: If at 4 o'clockyouset theovenfor broil ("HI"), the Displaywillshow:
IV :00 "L
4. Placefood on broiler pan provided with oven. Broil element will preheat in 5
minutes. After broil element is red,placefood in oven. Oven door MUSTbe left
Open_t broil StopDosition.
5. Touch Cancel Off Pad to turn off oven whenfood is cooked.
NOTE: AfancomesonduringtheBROILcycle. Ifitdoesnot,theovenbroilelement
Air Service Contractorfor repair.