• When cookingfoodsfor the first time in your newoven, use recipecookingtimes
and temperaturesas a guido.
• Usetested recipes from reliable sources.
• Preheatthe oven only whennecessary. For bakedfoods that rise and for richer
browning, a preheatedoven is better. Casserolescan be started in a coldoven.
Preheatingtakesfrom7to 11minutes;placefood inovenafter PREHEATIndicator
Word cycles off and control chimes once.
• Arrange oven racksbeforeturning on oven. Follow suggestedrack positionson
pages 19 and 25,
• Allow aboutI to 11/zinchesof spacebetweentheovensidewallsand pansto allow
proper air circulation.
• When bakingfoods in morethan one pan, placethem on opposite corners ofthe
rack. Staggerpans when baking on two racks so that one pan does not shield
another unlessshielding is intended.(See above left.)
• To conserveenergy, avoid frequent or prolonged door openings. At the end of
cooking,turn ovenoff before removingfood.
• Alwaystestfordoneness(fingertip,toothpick,sidespullingawayfrompan). Donot
relyon time or brownnessas only indicators.
• Use good qualitybaking pansand the size recommendedin the recipe.
• Dull,dark,enameledorglasspanswillgenerallyproduceabrown,crispcrust. Shiny
metal pans producea light, golden crust.
• Frozenpiesin shiny aluminumpansshouldbe bakedon a cookiesheet on rack 2
or be removed toa dul}or glasspan.
• Ifedgeofpiecrustbrownstooquickly, foldastripof foilaroundrimofcrust, covering
edge. (See above fight.)