No. 99MBC032A
3.2.14 Group judgment .............................................................................. 3-21
3.2.15 Recording the amount of light ........................................................ 3-22
3.3 Outline of the Display Contents .................................................................. 3-23
3.3.1 Display unit ..................................................................................... 3-23
3.3.2 Data display unit ............................................................................. 3-23
3.4 Outline of Key Operations .......................................................................... 3-25
3.4.1 Description of key functions ........................................................... 3-27
3.4.2 Example key operations ................................................................. 3-31
4. SETTING UP THE MEASURING CONDITIONS ................................................. 4-1
4.1 Basic Setup ................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Outline of the basic setup procedure ............................................... 4-2
4.1.2 Description of each mode................................................................. 4-3 Selecting and setting the function in the B0 mode ................ 4-4
a. Setting the resolution (Guidance: RES) ............................ 4-4
b. Setting the number of blank-out digits (Guidance: BLN) .. 4-4
c. Putting a comma after the thousandths digit
(Guidance: (,)) ................................................................... 4-5
d. Setting the buzzer function (Guidance: BUZZER) ............ 4-5
e. Setting the display latch timer (Guidance: LATCH) .......... 4-6 Selecting and setting the function in the B1 mode ................ 4-7
a. Setting the output function in the ready state
(Guidance: D.OUT)............................................................ 4-7
b. Selecting the display message if Err-0 occurs
(Guidance: ERR-0 D) ........................................................ 4-7
c. Selecting the display message at the start of
measurement (Guidance: RUN D) .................................... 4-7
d. Selecting the averaging method (Guidance: AVG.M) ....... 4-8
e. Setting the GO/NG judgment method
(Guidance: JDG.M)............................................................ 4-8
f. Setting whether the target value is copied to the
reference value (Guidance: COPY) .................................. 4-8 Selecting and setting the function in the B2 mode ................ 4-9
a. Setting the workpiece type (Guidance: WORK.P) ............ 4-9
b. Setting the simultaneous measurement
(Guidance: PROG) ............................................................ 4-9
c. Selecting the method of specifying segments
(Guidance: SEG) ............................................................... 4-9 Selecting and setting the function in the B3 mode .............. 4-10
a. Setting the abnormal value elimination function
(Guidance: ADE) ............................................................. 4-10
b. Setting the automatic workpiece detecting function
(Guidance: AWDT) .......................................................... 4-10
c. Setting the number of scans (Guidance: SCAN) ............ 4-10
d. Setting the group judgment (Guidance: GTJ) ................. 4-11
e. Setting the group judgement output
(Guidance: GTJ D) .......................................................... 4-11 Selecting and setting the function in the B4 mode .............. 4-12
a. Setting the use of RS-232C port
(Guidance: RS-232C) ...................................................... 4-12