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No. 99MBC032A
Perform your measurement according to the basic setup and measuring
conditions specified.
This chapter describes the items which can be set in the ready state and
gives measurement examples.
5.1 Outline of the Measurement Mode
The measurement mode includes the ready state, single-run measurement mode, and continu-
ous-run measurement mode.
1) Ready state
The BUSY LED flashes each time the measurement is performed.
2) Single-run measurement
The RUN LED stays lit from the start of measurement until the display latch timer expires,
and the BUSY LED turns on each time the measured data is updated.
3) Continuous-run measurement
The RUN LED turns on if measurement starts and stays on during repeated measurements.
The BUSY LED turns on each time the measured data is updated. When measurement is
terminated the measured data is latched on the display and the RUN LED turns off when
the display latch time expires.
5.1.1 Setup in the measurement mode
• This system employs a 2-section display unit, which enables continuous display of setup
values while measurements are being made. Also, it provides a simple method for modify-
ing the setup values.
• The setup mode of the specific setup items can be entered either by using the arrow key
( ) or by pressing the corresponding item keys directly.