External SBC Device Management
Polycom, Inc. 117
See also:
“External SBC” on page 114
“Script Debugging Dialog Box for Preliminaries/Postliminaries” on
page 235
Edit External SBC Dialog Box
The following table describes the fields in the Edit External SBC dialog box.
Postliminary A postliminary is an executable script, written in the
Javascript language, that defines dial string
transformations to be applied before querying the
external SBC.
Enabled Lets you turn a postliminary on or off without deleting it.
Script Type (or paste) the postliminary script you want to
apply. Then click Debug this script to open the Script
Debugging Dialog Box for Preliminaries/Postliminaries
and test the script with various variables.
Table 5-24 Add External SBC dialog box
Column Description
Table 5-25 Edit External SBC dialog box
Column Description
External SBC
Enabled Clearing this check box lets you stop using an external
SBC without deleting it.
Name SBC unit name.
Description The text description displayed in the External SBC list.
Address Host name or IP address of the SBC.
Port The SBC’s port number. Leave set to 1720 unless you
know the unit is using a non-standard port number.