Polycom, Inc. 21
System Initial
Configuration Summary
This chapter describes the configuration tasks required to complete your
implementation of a new Polycom
Distributed Media Application™
(DMA™) 7000 system once installation and initial network configuration are
This chapter assumes you’ve completed the server configuration procedure in
the Getting Started Guide (available at support.polycom.com), logged into the
Polycom DMA system’s management interface, and verified that the
Supercluster Status pane of the Dashboard shows (for a two-server
configuration) two servers in the cluster, with healthy enterprise and private
network status for both.
Initial configuration includes the following topics:
System configuration
• Add Required DNS Records for the Polycom DMA System
• License the Polycom DMA System
• Set Up Signaling
• Configure the Call Server and Optionally Create a Supercluster
• Set Up Security
• Set Up MCUs
• Connect to Microsoft Active Directory
• Set Up Conference Templates
Confirming configuration
• Test the System
Each topic describes the task, provides background and overview information
for it, and where appropriate, links to specific step-by-step procedures to
follow in order to complete the task.