Microsoft Active Directory Integration Integrations with Other Systems
Polycom, Inc. 163
• Attributes returned:
Configurable Attribute Domain Search
This search queries LDAP.
The system runs this query only if the Attribute Replication Search determined
that one or more of the configurable Active Directory attributes that it needs
to retrieve (for generating conference room IDs, chairperson passcodes, and
conference passcodes) isn’t in the global catalog. In that case, it uses this query
to retrieve the data from each domain controller.
• Base:
The base variable depends on the domain name being queried.
• Filter: same as in User Search
• Index used: same as in User Search
• Attributes returned:
, attribute(s) not in global catalog
Domain Search
This search queries LDAP.
The system runs this query only when it restarts (if already integrated with the
Active Directory) and when you click the Update button on the Microsoft
Active Directory page.
• Base:
The base variable depends on the forest root DN (the distinguished name
of the Active Directory forest root domain). See “Active Directory
Integration Report” on page 394.
• Filter:
• Indexes used:
The search used these indexes in our testing environment, using a
standard AD configuration (no indexes added). Results may be different
for a different configuration.
• Attributes returned:
cn, dnsRoot, nCName
Service Account Search
This search queries the global catalog. In a standard AD configuration, all the
filter attributes and attributes returned are replicated to the global catalog.
The system runs this query only when you click the Update button on the
Microsoft Active Directory page. It validates the service account ID.