Microsoft Active Directory Integration Integrations with Other Systems
Polycom, Inc. 159
When you generate passcodes for enterprise users, the Polycom DMA system
retrieves the values in the designated Active Directory attributes and removes
any non-numeric characters from them. If the resulting numeric passcode is
longer than the maximum for that passcode type, it strips the excess characters
from the beginning of the string.
To generate chairperson and conference passcodes for enterprise users
1 In the Active Directory, select an unused attribute to be used for each of
the passcodes.
In a multi-domain forest, it’s best to choose attributes that are replicated
across the enterprise via the Global Catalog server mechanism. But if the
attributes you select aren’t available in the Global Catalog, the system can
read them directly from each domain.
2 In the Active Directory, either provision users with passcodes or establish
a mechanism for letting users create and maintain their own passcodes.
Consult your Active Directory administrator for assistance with this.
3 On the Polycom DMA system, go to Admin > Integrations > Microsoft
Active Directory.
4 Complete the Enterprise Chairperson and Conference Passcode
Generation section.
a Specify the Active Directory attribute from which to generate
chairperson passcodes and the number of characters to use.
b Specify the Active Directory attribute from which to generate
conference passcodes and the number of characters to use.
5 Click Update.
After a short time, the system confirms that Active Directory configuration
has been updated.
6 Note the time. Click OK.
7 Confirm that passcode generation worked as expected.
a Go to Reports > Enterprise Passcode Errors and verify that the time
on the report is after the time when you last completed step 6.
b Review the number of valid, invalid, and unassigned passcodes.
If there are only a few problems, they can generally be resolved by
correcting invalid Active Directory entries.
You could use an existing attribute that contains numeric data, such as an
employee ID. This may not provide much security, but might be sufficient for
conference passcodes.