DMA Operations Guide Sites
278 Polycom, Inc.
Edit Subnet Dialog Box
Lets you edit a subnet associated with a site. The following table describes the
fields in the dialog box.
See also:
“Add Site Dialog Box” on page 267
“Edit Site Dialog Box” on page 272
“Site Topology Configuration Procedures” on page 287
Table 11-6 Edit Subnet dialog box
Field Description
Name The name of the subnet. Required and must be unique.
IP address The IP address that defines the subnet.
Subnet mask The subnet mask, such as
Max bandwidth (Mbps) The total bandwidth limit for voice and video calls. If not
specified, the site limit applies.
Max bit rate (kbps) The per-call bit rate limit for voice and video calls. If not
specified, the site limit applies.
Note: Bit rate is not the same as bandwidth. Since the
bit rate applies in both directions and there is overhead,
the actual bandwidth consumed is about 2.5 times the
bit rate selected.
When you specify both the bandwidth and bit rate limits,
the dialog box shows you how many calls at that bit rate
the specified bandwidth supports.
You can assign a subnet to only one site.