Add Required DNS Records for the Polycom DMA System Polycom
System Initial Configuration Summary
Polycom, Inc. 23
Additional DNS Records for SIP Proxy
To support the use of your Polycom DMA system as a SIP proxy server and
ease future network administrative burdens, create the following DNS records
(for each cluster in a supercluster, if applicable):
• Optionally, NAPTR records that describe the transport protocols
supported by the SIP proxies at a domain and identify the preferred
protocol. Configure these statically to match the system’s SIP transport
protocol configuration.
• SRV records for each transport protocol that identify the host names of the
SIP proxies that service a particular domain. Configure these statically to
point to the host names of the Call Servers in the domain. Here are
example records for two clusters:
To enable access from the public internet, create corresponding SRV records,
visible from outside the firewall, for the public address of each SIP session
border controller (SBC).
For more information about the use of DNS in SIP, refer to RFCs 3263 and 2782.
Additional DNS Records for H.323 Gatekeeper
To support the use of your Polycom DMA system as an H.323 gatekeeper and
ease future network administrative burdens, create SRV records that identify
the host names of the gatekeepers that service a particular domain. These
records are necessary in order to enable the optional inbound URL dialing
feature. Configure them statically to point to the host names of the Call Servers
in the domain. Here are example records for two clusters:
To enable access from the public internet, create corresponding SRV records,
visible from outside the firewall, for the public address of each H.323 session
border controller (SBC).
For more information about the use of DNS in H.323, refer to the H.323
specification, Annex O, and the H.225.0 specification, Appendix IV.
_sips._tcp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 10 1001 5061 dma-asia.example.com.
_sips._tcp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 10 1002 5061 dma-europe.example.com.
_sip._tcp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 20 1001 5060 dma-asia.example.com.
_sip._tcp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 20 1002 5060 dma-europe.example.com.
_sip._udp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 30 1001 5060 dma-asia.example.com.
_sip._udp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 30 1002 5060 dma-europe.example.com.
_h323ls._udp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 0 1 1719 dma-asia.example.com.
_h323ls._udp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 0 1 1719 dma-europe.example.com.
_h323cs._tcp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 0 1 1720 dma-asia.example.com.
_h323cs._tcp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 0 1 1720 dma-europe.example.com.