Polycom, Inc. 1
7000 System
This chapter provides an overview of the Polycom
Distributed Media
Application™ (DMA™) 7000 system. It includes these topics:
• Introduction to the Polycom DMA System
• Polycom Solution Support
• Working in the Polycom DMA System
• Third-Party Software
Introduction to the Polycom DMA System
The Polycom DMA system is a highly reliable and scalable video collaboration
infrastructure solution based on the Polycom
Proxias™ application server.
The following topics introduce you to the system:
• The Polycom DMA System’s Primary Functions
• The Polycom DMA System’s Three Configurations
• System Capabilities and Constraints
The Polycom DMA System’s Primary Functions
Conference Manager
The Polycom DMA system’s Conference Manager uses advanced routing
policies to distribute voice and video calls among multiple media servers
(Multipoint Control Units, or MCUs), creating a single virtual resource pool.
This greatly simplifies video conferencing resource management and uses
MCU resources more efficiently.