Endpoints Device Management
Polycom, Inc. 85
See also:
“Endpoints” on page 79
“Add Alias Dialog Box” on page 88
“Edit Alias Dialog Box” on page 88
Table 5-5 Add Device dialog box
Field Description
Device type The device’s signaling protocol (H.323 or SIP).
Signaling address For an H.323 device, the H.225 call signaling address (and
optionally, port) of the device. Either this or the RAS address
is required.
RAS address For an H.323 device, the RAS (Registration, Admission and
Status) channel address (and optionally, port) of the device.
Aliases For an H.323 device, lists the device’s aliases. When you’re
adding a device, this list is empty. The Add button lets you
add an alias.
Address of record For a SIP device, the AOR with which the device registers
(see registration rules in RFC 3261), such as:
Indicates whether the endpoint must authenticate itself.
Note: Inbound authentication for the device type must be
enabled at the system level (see “Device Authentication” on
page 243), or the setting for the device has no effect.
Class of service Select to specify the class of service and the bit rate limits for
calls to and from this device.
A call between two devices receives the higher class of
service of the two.
Maximum bit rate
The maximum bit rate for calls to and from this device.
downspeed bit rate
The minimum bit rate to which calls from this device can be
downspeeded to manage bandwidth. If this minimum isn’t
available, the call is dropped.
Model Optional model number/name for the device.
Version Optional version information for the device.