DMA Operations Guide SNMP Settings
412 Polycom, Inc.
Add Notification User Dialog Box
The Add Notification User dialog box lets you add a security user authorized
to receive notifications. For SNMPv3 notifications, a security user is required.
When you add a notification agent, you select a security user from the list of
notification users that have been added.
Notification users aren’t needed or used for SNMPv2c.
The following table describes the fields in the dialog box.
Type The notification type for this agent:
• Inform—An unsolicited message sent to a
notification receiver for which the agent
expects/requires a confirmation message.
Introduced with SNMP version 2c, this option is not
supported by systems that only support SNMP
version 1.
• Trap—An unsolicited message sent to a notification
receiver for which the agent does not expect/require
a confirmation message.
Version The SNMP version for this agent (v2c or v3). See
“SNMP Versions Supported” on page 408.
Security User The security user to receive notifications from this
agent, selected from the Notification Users list.
For SNMPv3, a security user is required.
Minimum recurring
notification interval
Select the minimum time between recurring notifications
that haven’t been cleared.
Table 15-2 Information on the SNMP Settings page (continued)
Setting Description