Call Detail Records (CDRs) System Reports
Polycom, Inc. 391
Conference Record Layouts
The following table describes the fields in the conference records.
Values are enclosed in double quotes when necessary, using the same rules as
for conference records.
VEQCluster Virtual cluster ID; the cluster handling the VEQ, or blank
if no VEQ.
userDataA The value from the User pass-through to CDR field of
the user associated with the endpoint (see “Edit User
Dialog Box” on page 300). For point-to-point calls, this is
the user associated with the endpoint that started this
userDataB For VMR calls, the value from the Conference room
pass-through to CDR field of the conference room
(VMR) to which the call connected (see “Edit
Conference Room Dialog Box” on page 309).
For point-to-point calls, the value from the User
pass-through to CDR field of the user associated with
the endpoint that received this call.
userDataC For VMR calls, the dial-out participant pass-through
value provided via the API, if any.
For point-to-point calls, not currently used.
userDataD Not currently used.
userDataE Not currently used.
userRole If VMR call, the role of the caller in conference
(participant or chairperson). Null if not VMR call.
dialin If this is point-to-point or a VMR dial-in call, TRUE.
Otherwise, FALSE.
Table 14-7 Call CDR (continued)
Field Description
Table 14-8 Conference CDR
Field Description
version Changes each time the format of CDRs changes
(initially “1”).
type CONF
confType One of the following:
• PCO (for calendared)