Conference Templates Conference Manager Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 179
3 Click Update.
See also:
“Conference Templates” on page 179
“Shared Number Dialing” on page 204
Conference Templates
Conference templates are used to create users’ conference rooms, which define
a user’s conference experience. A conference template specifies a set of
conference properties, such as the line (bit) rate and video display mode.
Two Types of Templates
You can create a conference template in two ways:
• Specify the individual conference properties directly in the Polycom DMA
system, creating a “standalone” template independent of the profiles
available on the system’s RMX MCUs.
• Link the template to an RMX profile that exists on some or all of the MCUs.
Either kind of template can also include settings specific to Cisco Codian
MCUs so that it can be used in deployments containing both kinds of MCUs.
Standalone Templates
Standalone templates defined in the Polycom DMA system free you from
having to ensure that the exact same RMX profiles exist on all the MCUs. You
specify the desired conference properties directly in the template.
When it uses a standalone template for a conference, the system sends the
specific properties to the MCU instead of pointing to one of its profiles.
When using a template not linked to an RMX profile, the system doesn’t use
the template’s properties to limit its choice of MCU. It selects the least used
MCU in the selected MCU pool (see “MCU Pools” on page 137 and “MCU
Pool Orders” on page 141). Unsupported properties are ignored or degrade
gracefully if necessary. For instance:
• If a conference set to a 4096 kbps line rate is forced to land on an MCU that
doesn’t support that value, the line rate falls back to 1920 kbps.
The Polycom DMA system supports the use of Cisco Codian 4200, 4500, and MSE
8000 series MCUs, and conference templates can include Codian-specific settings.