MCUs MCU Management
Polycom, Inc. 127
Enable for conference
Makes the MCU available as a conferencing resource
for the Polycom DMA system’s Conference Manager.
Up to 64 MCUs can be enabled for conference rooms.
Caution: Before adding an MCU to the DMA system’s
conferencing resources, make sure that MCU isn’t
already a RealPresence Resource Manager system
conferencing resource. The RealPresence Resource
Manager system must have exclusive use of any MCUs
on which it directly schedules conferences.
Enable gateway profiles Makes the MCU available as an ISDN gateway device
and enables the Gateway Profiles tab for configuring
the gateway.
The process by which the system selects an ISDN
gateway for a call is described in “ISDN Gateway
Selection Process” on page 133.
Class of service Select to specify the default class of service and the bit
rate limits for this MCU.
If specified, calls to the MCU use its class of service or
the calling endpoint’s, whichever is better.
Maximum bit rate (kbps) Select the maximum bit rate for calls to this MCU.
Minimum downspeed bit
rate (kbps)
Select the minimum bit rate to which calls to this MCU
can be downspeeded to manage bandwidth. If this
minimum isn’t available, the call is dropped.
The minimum that applies to a call is the higher of the
MCU’s and the calling endpoint’s.
Permanent Prevents the MCU’s registration with the Call Server
from ever expiring. For MCUs, this option should always
be selected (the default).
Gateway Profiles
Copy from entry for
ISDN gateway
Lets you copy the delimiter and session profiles from
another ISDN gateway instead of entering them below.
This is especially useful for MGC devices because each
ISDN network card must be registered separately, but
all cards support the same gateway configuration.
Dial string delimiter The dial string delimiter used to separate the session
profile prefix from the ISDN E.164 number.
Table 6-3 Add MCU dialog box
Field Description