Call Server Settings Call Server Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 223
See also:
“Call Server Configuration” on page 219
“About the Call Server Capabilities” on page 220
Registration refresh
interval (seconds)
For H.323 endpoints, specifies how often registered
endpoints send “keep alive” messages to the Call
Server. Endpoints that fail to send “keep alive”
messages on time are flagged as inactive.
For SIP endpoints, specifies the refresh interval used if
the endpoint didn’t specify an interval or specified one
greater than this value.
Must be greater than or equal to the minimum SIP
registration interval and in the range 150-9999.
Minimum SIP
registration interval
The minimum time between “keep alive” messages to
SIP endpoints.
Must be less than or equal to the registration refresh
interval and in the range 150-3600.
IRQ sending interval
The interval at which the system sends IRQ messages
to H.323 endpoints in a call, requesting QoS (quality of
service) reports.
Must be in the range 10-600.
SIP peer timeout
The timeout value for calls to peer proxy servers, after
which the dial attempt is canceled.
Must be in the range 3-300.
Territory failover delay
The number of seconds a territory’s backup cluster
waits after losing contact with the primary before it takes
over the territory.
Must be in the range 6-300.
Timeout for call
forwarding when no
answer (seconds)
The number of seconds to wait for the called endpoint to
answer (fully connect) before forwarding the call, if call
forwarding on no answer is enabled for the called
Must be in the range 5-32.
SIP max breadth The maximum number of concurrent parallel branches
due to forking of a request.
Table 10-1 Fields on the Call Server Settings page (continued)
Field Description