Shutting Down and Restarting System Management and Maintenance
Polycom, Inc. 381
See also:
“Management and Maintenance Overview” on page 327
“Recommended Regular Maintenance” on page 329
Shutting Down and Restarting
The Polycom DMA system’s Shutdown and Restart page lets you restart the
system or turn it off completely. These commands affect both servers in a
two-server cluster.
Both shutting down and restarting will terminate all existing calls and log out
all current users.
To restart or shut down both servers
1 Go to Maintenance > Shutdown and Restart.
2 Do one of the following:
— To restart the system, click Restart.
— To shut down the system (turn off both servers), click Shut Down.
3 When asked to confirm that you want to restart or shut down, click Yes.
The system logs you out and each server shuts down. If you chose Restart,
the server(s) reboot, and conference service becomes available again when
the restart is complete (typically, this takes about five minutes).
If you chose Shut Down, the server(s) remain powered off until you
manually turn them back on.
See also:
“Management and Maintenance Overview” on page 327
“Recommended Regular Maintenance” on page 329
Don’t turn off a Polycom DMA system server by simply unplugging it or otherwise
removing power, especially if it’s going to remain off for some time. If a server loses
power without being properly shut down, the RAID controller fails to shut down,
eventually depleting its battery. If that happens, the server can’t be restarted without
user input, requiring a keyboard and monitor.