DMA Operations Guide Endpoints
82 Polycom, Inc.
The Actions list associated with the Endpoints list contains the items in the
following table.
Table 5-4 Endpoint commands
Command Description
View Details Opens the Device Details dialog box for the selected
Add Opens the Add Device dialog box, where you can manually
add a device to the system.
Edit Opens the Edit Device dialog box for the selected endpoint,
where you can change its information and settings. If
multiple endpoints are selected, opens the Edit Devices
dialog box, where you can change the device authentication,
permanent registration, and class of service settings.
Delete Removes the registration of the selected endpoint(s) with the
Call Server and deletes the endpoint(s) from the Polycom
DMA system. A dialog box asks you to confirm.
Unregistered endpoints are treated like rogue endpoints (see
“Call Server Settings” on page 221). The device can register
Block Prevents the endpoint(s) from registering with the Call
Server. A dialog box asks you to confirm. When blocked
endpoints are selected, this becomes Unblock.
If a blocked device is in a site managed by the system, its
ability to make and receive calls depends on the system's
rogue call policy (see “Call Server Settings” on page 221). If
the device is not in a site managed by the system, it can’t
make or receive calls.
Quarantine Prevents the endpoint(s) from making or receiving calls. A
dialog box asks you to confirm. When quarantined endpoints
are selected, this becomes Unquarantine.
Unlike a blocked endpoint, a quarantined endpoint is
registered (or can register) with the Call Server.
Associate User Opens the Associate User dialog box for the selected
endpoint, where you can associate this device with a user.
Not available if the Polycom DMA system is integrated with a
Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system.
In that case, it receives user-to-device association
information from that system.
View Call History Takes you to Reports > Call History and displays the call
history for the selected endpoint.
View Registration
Takes you to Reports > Registration History and displays
the registration history for the selected endpoint.