Acquiring Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
FrameScan Acquisition, when coupled with mask testing, provides the tool you
need to capture a defective bit and examine the pattern leading up to it.
Overview To catch a bit error Control elements and resources
Prerequisites 1. The instrument should be set up per the previous
2. Pause the acqui sition system (push the Run/Stop
button on the front-panel).
3. Inf inite persistence and color grading displ ay modes
should be off i f turned on in the previous procedure.
H See To Acquire in FrameScan M ode
page 3--33.
mask testing
4. From the application menu bar, select Setup, and then
select Mask. (See right.)
5. Use the M ask Setup dialog box to set up for mask
testing as you would f or nonFrameScan acquisiti ons.
See Using Mask Testing on page 3--141 for information
about using Mask test ing. Be sure to enabl e the mask.
Tip. If you select ed a communication standard when you
set the FrameScan bit rate (see step 8 on page 3--34),
the same standard w ill be preselected i n the Mask
Setup dialog box.