CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Controls, 2--7
Measurements, 2--7
Menu, 2--7
Readouts, 2--7
Status, 2--7
Tool, 2--7
Waveform, 2--7
BER, Glossary--2
BER floor, Glossary--2
Bit error, Glossary--2
Brightness/Contrast adjustment, 1--15
Button, SELECT, Glossary--8
CD, instrument software, 1--3
Certifications, for instrument, A--11
Channel, Glossary--2
icon, Glossary--2
number, Glossary--3
waveforms, Glossary--3
Channel icon, Glossary--2
Channel-probe deskew, Glossary--2
in sampling modules, 3--27
maximum configuration, 1--11
shared horizontal window, 3--20
shared parameters, illustrated, 3--20
Cleaning, instrument, how to, 3--175
Cleaning and inspection
exterior, 3 --175
flat panel display, 3--176
Cleaning optical connectors, 3--176
Clipping, 3--6
Clock, internal, Glossary--6
Clock recovery, 3--39
trigger source, 3--42
Communication, remote, 3--139
Compensation, 3--92–3--100
how to perform, 3--92
when installing/moving sampling modules, 1--10
instrument, 1--9
maximum channels available, 1--11
software installation, 1--15
DIRECT, 3--42, 3--44
locations and purpose, 1--12
PRESCALE, 3--42, 3--44
Contacting Tektronix, xiii
initialize, Glossary--6
knob, Glossary--6
selected waveform, 3--7
Controls bar, 2--7
Coupling, Glossary--3
CSA8000, description, 1--1
Cursor, measurements, 3--85–3--87
Cursor Measurements, how to set sources for, 3--90
Cursor measurements
how to take, 3--89
sources, 3--86
what’s measured, 3--85
why use, 3--85
Cursors, 3--85, Glossary--3
constrained by the display, 3--86
default measurement source , 3--86
horizontal bars, Glossary--5
measure horizontally from the trigger point, 3--87
types, 3--86
units and readout names, 3--88
use with independent sources, 3--87
vertical bars, Gl ossary--9
waveform, Glossary --10
what time cursors measure (illustration), 3--88
Dark-Level c ompensation, how t o perform , 3--98
Data, controlling input and output, 3--113
Data Input and Output, 3--113
Database, wave form, Glossary--10
Databases, Waveform, 3 --159
Delay time, Glossary--3
horizontal, Glossary--5
key features, 1--1
product, 1--1
Deskew, Glossary--2
how to, 3--96
procedure, 1--18
system, 1--16
Digitizing, Glossary--3
process, defined, 3 --27–3-- 29
customizable attributes of, 3--66
defined, 3--54
elements of, 3--54
flexible control, 3--55
graticule, de fined, 3--54