CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Use the procedure that follows when setting up the instrument to trigger
Overview To trigger Control elements and resources
Prerequisites 1. The instrument must be installed with sampling modules
in place. Acquisition system shoul d be set to Run, and
the vertical and horizontal controls should be set
appropriately for the signal to be acquired.
See Sampling Module User Manualsfor sampling module
installation.See page 3--24 of thismanual for acquisition
Apply a trigger
2. Connect the signal to be triggered on using proper
probing/connect ing t echniques f or your application.
Typical approaches include using:
H External Trigger, Direct or Prescale. Portion of the
input signal coupled t o t he appropriate input (see
right) using a power di vider on input signal.
H Internal Clock. No ext ernal trigger required.
H Clock Recovery. Recovered cl ock signal obtained
from those optical sampling modules supporting
clock recovery (connection int ernal t hrough the
sampling module; no external trigger connection
A custom c lock recovery rate can be def ined by the
user if the opti
l module supports
rate clock recovery. Refer to Sampling Modules
Supported on page 1--4 to see those modules that
support continuous-rate cl ock recovery.
Note. When using any of the above s ources, disconnect
any signal connected t o the other source t rigger and
clock sources. See Ext ernal 10MHz Ref erence Input
when using the Internal cl ock).
See Table 3--1 on page 3--43 for more information.
Select source,
slope, and
3. Click the Trig Source menu, and select the trigger
source to match your trigger signal in the pull-down
menu (upper right corner of display).
4. Click the Slope button to t oggle t o t he tri gger slope you
want, positive or negative.
5. Adjust the trigger level using the (Set Level to) 50% bu tto n
or the Level list box as show at right, or using those on
the front panel, shown in step 7.
Source Menu
Slope button
Level Controls
To Trigger