Displaying Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Related control elements and resourcesTo set display styles (cont.)
Select a
6. From the the Setup Display dialog box (see right),
H Infinite Persistence to make data persist until
you change some control (such as scal e factor)
or explicitl y clear the data. Waveform displays
accumulate data as new waveform records
acquire, resulting in a build up of data in all time
H Variable Persistence to make data persist for a
specified time. New waveform displays
accumulate data as new waveform records
acquire, but with continuous replacement of the
oldest data.
If you select Variable Persist ence, set a time at
which the oldest data is removed.
Set variable
persistence time
Access to virtual keyboard
Continue with
the next
7. For m ore ways to cust omize the display, see the next
See To Custom ize Grati cule and Waveforms on
page 3--69.
End of Procedure
Use the procedure that follows to become familiar with the display adjustments
you can make.
Overview Customizations you can make Related control elements and resources
Prerequisites 1. Display t he waveforms t o be measured on screen.
The waveform m ay be a channel, reference, or math
2. If the source to be measured is in the Mag1 or Mag2
view, turn that view on.
See page 3--24 for acquisition setup and page
3--48 for trigger setup.
To Customize the
Graticule and Waveforms